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National Bylaws



Section 1.  This Fraternity shall be officially known as Alpha Eta Rho, Inc. Alpha Eta Rho is an intercollegiate non-profit organization that serves as a contact between the aviation industry and educational institutions to foster, promote, and mentor student leaders through education, charity, scholarship, and service, towards successful professional careers in the aviation field and all of its branches. Membership in Alpha Eta Rho is open to all collegiate men and women who share a common purpose and have a strong active interest in any field within the aviation and aerospace industries.



Organization and Government

Section 1.  The units of organization of this Fraternity shall be the National Board of Directors, the Undergraduate Chapters, and the Chapter Alumni Representatives.

Section 2.  LAWS. The laws of this Fraternity shall consist of the ritual of Alpha Eta Rho, The Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and any additional regulations that may be added in accordance with the Bylaws. Each chapter shall have the power to make any necessary laws for its own government, so long as they are not inconsistent with the laws and purposes of the Fraternity.

Section 3.  INCORPORATION. This Fraternity shall be represented legally as Alpha Eta Rho, Inc. a Fraternity organized and incorporated in the State of Missouri as a non-profit organization.

Section 4.  ANNUAL MEETING. There shall be an annual meeting of this Fraternity held each fiscal year. The time and place of such meeting shall be decided by the National Board of Directors and notice of such meeting will be sent to each active chapter not less than thirty days in advance of the meeting.

Section 5.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall be the duly elected National Officers of the Fraternity.

Section 6.  UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTERS. An Undergraduate Chapter shall be an organization duly chartered according to Article IX of these Bylaws.

Section 7.  CHAPTER ALUMNI REPRESENTATIVES. Alumni elected by the Undergraduate Chapters and its Alumni are to serve as a resource for the Undergraduate Chapter and as a liaison between the Undergraduate Chapter's Alumni and the National Board of Directors. The Chapter Alumni Representative shall be confirmed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 8.  PRINCIPAL OFFICE. The National Office, unless otherwise prescribed by the Board of Directors, shall coincide with the location of the Chief Executive Officer.

Section 9.  QUORUM. A quorum for the transaction of business of the Board of Directors shall be not less than one-third of the membership of said board.



National Officers, Their Powers and Duties

Section 1.  The Board of Directors shall be made in compliance with the State of Missouri Corporation Code

Section 2.  The Directors named in the Articles of Incorporation shall serve until their death, resignation, dismissal, or other withdrawal from this office. Directors may be dismissed from the Board by a (2/3) vote of the entire Board of Directors. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by a vote of the remaining Directors, but no candidate may be elected with less than three votes.

Section 3.  THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be elected by a majority of the members of the Board of Directors and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.

Section 4.  THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT. The National President shall be elected by the Board of Directors from its membership. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors and other national meetings of the Fraternity with the exception of the annual meeting. It shall be their duty to see that all national officers discharge their duties faithfully and promptly and to appoint the committees which may be deemed advisable at any time for carrying out the work of the Fraternity. They shall have such further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.

Section 5. THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER. The Chief Executive Officer shall maintain and operate the Fraternity under the guidance of the Board of Directors when the Board of Directors is not in session. They will be responsible for the daily operations of the Fraternity. The Chief Executive Officer will be responsible for maintaining all Official Records of the Organization. This person shall have charge of all official communications of the National Office of the Fraternity and shall have supervision over all correspondence concerning groups petitioning this Fraternity for charters. The Chief Executive Officer shall have custody over all funds of the National Office of the Fraternity and shall have authority to pay all debts of the National Office and shall further keep a record of all financial transactions of the Fraternity which are reported to the Board of Directors. The Chief Executive Officer will request the annual history and financial records of each chapter at least annually or as requested by the Board of Directors. The Chief Executive Officer will be responsible for assisting chapters with new membership packages, ritual planning, and chapter management. The National Alpha Eta Rho website will be maintained by the Chief Executive Officer’s office. The Chief Executive Officer is a full-time employee of Alpha Eta Rho on a contract basis for the daily operation of the fraternity. The Board of Directors may authorize the Chief Executive Officer to hire part-time employee(s) to meet the needs of major Alpha Eta Rho events. In case of death, dismissal, or resignation of the President, the Chief Executive Officer shall succeed in that office and hold the position until the Board of Directors elects a new President. This office shall have such further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.

Section 6.  THE NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND OUTREACH. The National Vice President of Development and Outreach shall be elected by the Board of Directors from its membership. It shall be the duties of the Vice President of Development and Outreach to manage and implement a comprehensive strategy of partnership with Collegiate Aviation and Aerospace Programs for the purpose of advancing the opportunities of membership and educational industry outreach. The Vice President of Development and Outreach will be responsible for identifying and exploring new opportunities for the development of the fraternity that align with the organization’s goals and strategic objectives. They shall have such further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.

Section 7.  THE NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT OF ALUMNI AFFAIRS. The National Vice President of Alumni Affairs shall be elected by the Board of Directors from its membership. It shall be the duty of the Vice President of Alumni Affairs to oversee, plan, and report to the Board of Directors on all matters and programs of the Alpha Eta Rho Alumni Association. The Vice President of Alumni Affairs will be responsible for the alumni outreach program, maintaining accurate alumni records, coordinating alumni events, maintaining the alumni registry, and developing and overseeing alumni fundraising efforts. In addition, they will be responsible for developing an alumni speaker’s bank for chapter visits and tours. They shall have such further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.

Section 8.  THE NATIONAL SECRETARY-TREASURER.  The National Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected by the Board of Directors from its membership. It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to maintain accurate records of the proceedings and finances of the Fraternity.  As the National Secretary-Treasurer, they shall be responsible for the official membership rolls, national archives, and Bylaws of the Fraternity. In addition, they will be responsible for the budget, investment, scholarship, and funding programs of the Fraternity. The National Secretary-Treasurer will provide oversight for the preparation of financial statements for the Board of Directors in accordance with acceptable standard accounting procedures. They shall also provide oversight for the preparation and submission of tax reporting documents required by the Internal Revenue Service. They shall have such further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.

Section 9.  THE NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT OF MILITARY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS. The National Vice President of Development and Outreach shall be elected by the Board of Directors from its membership.  The Vice President of Military and Governmental Affairs will be responsible for the direct liaison with all Branches of the Department of Defense (DOD) and Governmental Agencies to facilitate and implement educational and career opportunities within the Aviation and Aerospace sectors. They shall have such further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.

Section 10. THE NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT OF CORPORATE RELATIONS. The National Vice President of Corporate Relations shall be elected by the Board of Directors from its membership.  The Vice President of Corporate Relations will be responsible for the direct liaison and development within the Corporate and Industry base to facilitate and implement educational and career opportunities within the Aviation and Aerospace sectors. They shall have the primary responsibility and goal of partnering with Corporate entities for both financial and career support of our organization.  They shall have such further powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.

Section 11.  THE NATIONAL STUDENT PRESIDENT. The National Student President of Alpha Eta Rho shall serve as a voting member on the Board of Directors. The National Student President will be responsible for attending all meetings and conference calls of the Board of Directors and shall advise the Board of Directors on the student positions on issues facing the Fraternity. The National Student President shall preside over the annual meeting of Alpha Eta Rho. The National Student President shall preside over all meetings of the National Student Executive Committee and report any and all activities and recommendations to the National Board of Directors. The National Student President shall be elected by a majority vote of all Undergraduate Chapters attending the annual meeting that are in good standing with the National Office. All Undergraduate Chapters attending the annual meeting that are in good standing with the National Office shall have five (5) votes. Each candidate for the National Student President shall be nominated by their Undergraduate Chapter, and there shall be only one (1) candidate per Undergraduate Chapter. Each candidate will have an opportunity to publish and present their resume to all Undergraduate Chapters attending the annual meeting. Prior to the election, each candidate will be given a maximum of ten (10) minutes to make a formal presentation to the attending Undergraduate Chapters on the merits of their candidacy. The National Student President shall be elected by secret ballot following the formal presentations. All terms of the National Student President shall be for a period of one year, ending at the subsequent annual meeting. The National Student President may serve more than one term if reelected. The National Student President must be an active student in good standing for the duration of their term(s). In the event the National Student President is unable to complete their term, the National Board of Directors shall appoint a new National Student President for the duration of the original term. The National Board of Directors will give deference to the student receiving the second-highest number of votes in the election for the National Student President at the annual meeting. The National Office may cover travel, lodging, and food expenses of the National Student President for all official events and meetings to which the National Student President is invited to attend by the Chief Executive Officer and National President.


Article IV

National Student Executive Committee

Section 1.  The National Student Executive Committee membership number will be based on the operational needs of the organization as determined by the National Board of Directors.

Section 2.  The members of the National Student Executive Committee shall serve a term of one year beginning at the annual meeting and ending at the subsequent annual meeting or until their death, resignation, dismissal, graduation or other withdrawal from this office. Committee Chairpersons may serve more than one term if reelected. A Committee Chairman must be an active student in good standing for the duration of their term(s). Vacancies on the National Student Executive Committee shall be filled by a majority vote of all remaining members of the National Student Executive Committee.

Section 3.  Candidates for positions on the National Student Executive Committee (NSEC) shall be nominated through their respective chapters. Each chapter in good standing can choose to nominate one (1) person to submit an online application for the respective position. After the application deadline, the current serving members of the NSEC shall host an internal meeting no later than one (1) calendar month after the application submission deadline to consider applications. After at least half of the present NSEC members vote in favor of the applicant conducting an interview, the applicant will then be invited to said interview, which is to be conducted online. After all interviews have been completed, the NSEC will meet as soon as time allows to discuss each applicant. A ⅔ majority vote in favor of the candidate must be reached, the National Student President will announce the winner. A member may be assigned to or removed from the National Student Executive Committee at the discretion of the National Board of Directors.

Section 4. THE NATIONAL STUDENT PRESIDENT. The National Student President shall preside over all meetings of the National Student Executive Committee and report any and all activities and recommendations to the National Board of Directors.

Section 5.  THE NATIONAL STUDENT VICE PRESIDENT. The National Student Vice President shall report any and all activities and recommendations to the National Student President.

Section 6.  THE NATIONAL STUDENT DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT. The National Student Director of Membership Development shall aid the National VP of Development and Outreach with the development of new chapters worldwide. They will also work with current chapters to develop strategies for recruitment and retention of members. 

Section 6.  THE NATIONAL STUDENT DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRY OUTREACH AND ENGAGEMENT. The National Student Director shall aid the National VP of Corporate Relations in identifying future partnership opportunities. They will also be responsible for developing strategies for student engagement with the aviation industry. Additional duties may be assigned by the National Student President or National Board of Directors.

Section 7.  NATIONAL STUDENT DIRECTOR OF MILITARY AND GOVERNMENT RELATIONS. The National Student Director of Military and Government Relations shall aid the National VP of Military and Government Affairs in supporting efforts in veteran membership relations and military outreach efforts. Prior Military experience is not a requirement for this position. Additional duties may be assigned by the National Student President or National Board of Directors.

Section 8.  THE NATIONAL STUDENT DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI AFFAIRS. The National Student Director of Alumni Affairs shall aid the National VP of Alumni Affairs with alumni relations and associated endeavors. Additional duties may be assigned by the National Student President or National Board of Directors.
Section 9.  THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OF THE BEAM NEWSLETTER. The Editor in Chief of the BEAM Newsletter shall be appointed by the National Student President or Board of Directors. The Editor in Chief is responsible for the management of the Editors and Staff of the BEAM Newsletter, reporting to the National Student President and the National VP of Development and Outreach. Additional duties may be assigned by the National Student President or National Board of Directors.



Chapter Alumni Representatives, Their Duties and Committees

Section 1.  CHAPTER ALUMNI REPRESENTATIVE. There may be a Chapter Alumni Representative for each Chapter elected by the Chapter. The Chapter Alumni Representative may serve as a resource for the Undergraduate Chapter and to report Alumni to the Chapter President and they must be in good standing.

Section 2.  DUTIES.  The Chapter Alumni Representative may serve as the liaison between their Undergraduate Chapter's alumni, the National Board of Directors, and the Alpha Eta Rho alumni community at large. The Chapter Alumni Representative may also serve as a resource for the Undergraduate Chapter's Faculty Advisor and the Undergraduate Chapter's student leadership by acting as a conduit between him/her and alumni who can provide mentoring, networking, professional development, speakers, and fundraising in support of the Undergraduate Chapter's activities.

​Section 3.  COMMITTEES. Committees shall be appointed as necessary by the Board of Directors.



Membership and Initiation

Section 1.  QUALIFICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP. The membership of this Fraternity shall consist of Active Members, Associate Members, and Alumni Members in good standing. The fraternal bonds of this Fraternity shall include students of good moral character, who comply with the laws of the Fraternity, who are engaged in or who anticipate being engaged in the profession of aviation, and who are not members of any professional aviation fraternity in direct conflict with Alpha Eta Rho. No persons shall be initiated into the Fraternity except by a vote of the Active Members constituting a quorum present at a regularly called meeting of an Undergraduate Chapter. No person shall be considered an official member of Alpha Eta Rho or any of its Undergraduate Chapters until membership fees are paid in full to the National Headquarters. Upon receipt of paid dues for each new member the Chief Executive Officer’s office will provide the Undergraduate Chapter with the official membership package for their new members. The new member’s package will include the Alpha Eta Rho Membership Certificate (with official embossed gold seal), Alpha Eta Rho wings, Challenge Coin, membership card, and decal. The membership package and registration of new members will be done only by the National Headquarters. Registration and dues payment will serve to maintain the official National Alpha Eta Rho Membership and Alumni Rolls. No Undergraduate Chapter may induct new members or issue membership certificates without the consent and approval of the National Headquarters under the direction of the Board of Directors.

Section 2.  DEFINITION OF ACTIVE MEMBERS. Active Members shall be duly initiated students pursuing regular courses in the college or university and having served a pledge period as prescribed by the Bylaws of the Undergraduate Chapter in good standing, and also students who have been regularly initiated by another chapter, who are in good standing, and who have regularly affiliated with the chapter.

Section 3.  DEFINITION OF ACTIVE ALUMNI MEMBERS.  Active Alumni Members shall be members who were active members in good standing at an Undergraduate Chapter in good standing, who have graduated from, or ceased to pursue regular courses in the college or university, and who are in good standing.

Section 4.  DEFINITION OF ASSOCIATE MEMBERS.  Associate Members shall be those duly initiated members who are engaged in the profession or study of aviation.  Such members shall be nominated for initiation by the Undergraduate Chapter and forwarded to the National Office for approval by the Board of Directors. Associate Members need not be pursuing university or college courses in aviation but must remain in good standing.

Section 5.  DEFINITION OF HONORARY MEMBERS. The Board of Directors may on its own initiative or upon recommendation from an Undergraduate Chapter designate certain outstanding individuals from the aviation industry as Honorary Members. No more than three Honorary Members may be designated during any one academic year.

Section 6.  DEFINITION OF LIFETIME MEMBERS. Lifetime Members shall be members who were active members in good standing of the “RED BARON SOCIETY” per Article VIII. Section 4.

Section 7. DEFINITION OF “MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING”. All members of the organization must fulfill the necessary obligations, requirements, and responsibilities outlined within the Alpha Eta Rho National Bylaws, individual Chapter Bylaws, and all requirements set forth by their associated university or college.  Failure to maintain an individual’s or Chapter’s obligations within Section VI. 7. shall result in immediate loss of all privileges and rights of membership in Alpha Eta Rho.



Chapter and Club Officers

Section 1.  UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTERS. The officers of each Undergraduate Chapter shall be members thereof in good standing. These shall be known as follows: Chief Pilot (President), Worthy Navigator (Vice-President), Master of Communications (Secretary), Courier (Treasurer), and Dispatcher (Historian).

Section 2.  DUTIES. The duties of these officers shall be as provided in the Ritual and By-Laws of the Undergraduate Chapter of the Fraternity.

Section 3.  QUORUM IN UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTERS. A quorum for the transaction of business in any Undergraduate Chapter shall be such number of members as determined by the constitution or Bylaws of the chapter, except that it shall be not less than one-third of the active membership of the chapter.




Section 1.  NATIONAL AND CHAPTER FINANCES.  Alpha Eta Rho and its Undergraduate Chapters are a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of collegiate aviation in all its fields. Alpha Eta Rho is an intercollegiate non-profit organization that serves as a contact between the aviation industry and educational institutions to foster, promote, and mentor student leaders through education, charity, scholarship, and service, towards successful professional careers in the aviation field and all of its branches. All monies and funding received by Alpha Eta Rho and its Undergraduate Chapters are to be used for this mission purpose. All members and officers serve on a volunteer basis and may not receive any salary, wage, stipend, or gratuity, with the exception of the Chief Executive Officer. All members and officers will strive to accomplish Fraternity business, functions, meetings, and travel on an austere basis to best preserve the Fraternity assets for the scholarship of aviation education.

Section 2.  INITIATION FEES. The initiation fee to be paid by each Undergraduate Chapter for each new member initiated shall be an amount as set by the Board of Directors and must be collected from the initiate before his or her initiation. Such initiation fee shall be remitted by the treasurer of the chapter to the Chief Executive Officer no later than forty-eight hours after the initiation. Each chapter shall be responsible for the collection of the initiation fees of its members. Initiation fee changes will be made only by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors. Notice of intent to change the initiation fees shall be made no less than six (6) months in advance of the proposed change.

Section 3.  ANNUAL DUES. National dues may be assessed by the Board of Directors. Notice of the Annual Dues amount will be provided no less than six (6) months in advance of the proposed change. Dues changes will be made only by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors. Undergraduate Chapter Treasurers are responsible for remitting the first one-half of the annual dues no later than October 1st and the second one-half of the annual dues no later than March 1st of each calendar school year to the Chief Executive Officer for all active members of their Chapters. The Chapter Treasurer will provide a roster of current active members along with the remittance. The Chapter Treasurer will submit a list of any/all new members along with the remittance when ordering membership materials from the Chief Executive Officer in the Fall and/or Spring, and any/all remittances are due NO LATER THAN March 1st. Chapters that have not provided the first one-half of their annual dues with a roster of active members to the Chief Executive Officer on December 31st of each year will be considered to be “not in good standing”. Chapters failing to pay all annual dues with a roster of active members to the Chief Executive Officer by April 1st or November 1st of each calendar year will be held inactive on the national register of Undergraduate Chapters.

Section 4.  LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP. The Lifetime Membership donation shall be kept in a separate interest-bearing investment account as part of a permanent endowment to the Alpha Eta Rho Education Foundation. Only interest from this investment may be used to further the causes of Alpha Eta Rho, its scholarship, and its academic activities. Lifetime Membership shall be available per the schedule as approved by the Board of Directors by a unanimous vote. The Alpha Eta Rho Education Foundation is a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all money donated to this endowment shall be tax deductible. Lifetime Memberships shall be recognized by membership in the Alpha Eta Rho "Red Baron Society", a Limited-Edition All-Black Challenge Coin, a Lifetime Membership Certificate, and permanent recognition on the Lifetime Membership Plaque.

Section 5.  NATIONAL FUNDING PROGRAMS.  Annual dues and initiation fees collected by the National Offices of Alpha Eta Rho will be used to fund the Alpha Eta Rho Scholarship program, organization of the National Alpha Eta Rho annual meeting, and administration of the National Office.  Funding and salary will be provided to one full or part-time contract employee for the daily operations and administration of the National Offices.  This employee will be managed by the National Headquarters under the supervision of the Chief Executive Officer.  All Board of Directors, National Officers, and Chapter Alumni Representatives of Alpha Eta Rho are volunteers of the organization.  At no time may any salary, wage, stipend, or gratuity be paid to any member of the Board of Directors, National Officers, or Chapter Alumni Representative, with the exception of the Chief Executive Officer   Board of Directors, National Officers, Chapter Alumni Representative, and the Chief Executive Officer may be reimbursed for reasonable travel, food and lodging expenses directly related to, and for the expressed purpose of Alpha Eta Rho official functions and business.  The Board of Directors, National Officers, Chapter Alumni Representative, and Chief Executive Officer will submit a proposed budget for all planned travel, food, or lodging expenses to the  Chief Executive Officer’s office for approval by a majority vote of the Board of Directors prior to any planned expense.  Only pre-approved travel on official Alpha Eta Rho business is eligible for reimbursement.  All United States Government guidelines for Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 501 (c) (7) tax-free organizations apply to Alpha Eta Rho and all Undergraduate Chapters.  The Chief Executive Officer’s office will maintain the Bylaw, corporation, and tax guideline information for the organization.

​Section 6.  ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT.  The Board of Directors shall have the National Treasurer present an annual report of the financial condition of the fraternity at the annual meeting.  The annual financial report will be a summary of the annual financial statements prepared for the Board of Directors and the Internal Revenue Service required filings.  The annual financial report will be included as part of the minutes of the annual meeting and available to any undergraduate chapter in good standing.



New Chapters

Section 1.  ELIGIBLE GROUPS. Groups consisting of not less than ten undergraduate students of an accredited university or college in which regular courses in aviation are offered for study shall be eligible to petition the Board of Directors for a charter to establish an Undergraduate Chapter.

Section 2.  PETITION FOR A NEW CHAPTER. A majority vote of the Board of Directors shall be necessary to accept a petition and grant a charter for the establishment of an Undergraduate Chapter of the Fraternity.

Section 3. PETITION. The petition shall be in such form and of such description as required by and available from the National Office.

Section 4.  INSTALLATION. Upon approval of the application, a National Officer or designee of the Board of Directors may come to the campus to present the charter and conduct the ritual for the charter members and shall present the membership certificates.

Section 5.  INSTALLATION EXPENSE. The expense of the installation shall be borne by the new chapter.

Section 6.  REINSTATEMENT OF INACTIVE CHAPTERS. Undergraduate chapters that are currently inactive must reapply to the National Office in accordance with Article VIII. Sections 1-4 of the National Bylaws.



Official Crest, Insignia, and Membership Materials

Section 1.  OFFICIAL CREST. The Official Crest of Alpha Eta Rho consists of a golden eagle perched atop a shield of black and red. The top portion of the shield is red and features an early aircraft soaring through the clouds. The bottom portion of the shield is black and features a five-cylindered, radial, air-cooled airplane engine with a diagonal propeller. The radial engine is inscribed with the Greek letters "AHP". Below the shield is a ribbon containing the words "Alpha Eta Rho" spelled with Greek letters.

Section 2.  OFFICIAL AHP WINGS.  The Official AHP Wings are a small pair of silver wings with the Greek letters "AHP" in the center which are presented to each member upon his or her induction into the Fraternity.

Section 3.  OFFICIAL PATCH. The official patch of the Fraternity shall be patterned after the crest of the Fraternity.

Section 4.  SERVICE AND SCHOLARSHIP KEY. The service and scholarship key may be awarded annually to an outstanding active senior member of each chapter. This award is based on scholarship, service to the Fraternity, and interest in aviation. This key is ordered through the National Office only.

Section 5.  SENIOR MEMBERSHIP KEY. The Senior Membership Key is a small gold key with the official emblem inscribed on the face and is available to graduating seniors and associate members.

Section 6.  OFFICIAL BADGE. The Official Badge of Alpha Eta Rho shall be patterned after the five-cylindered, radial, air-cooled airplane engine with a diagonal propeller, containing three rubies and two green emeralds placed alternately in the heads of the five cylinders. All members are entitled to wear the Official Badge.

Section 7.  OFFICIAL MEMBERSHIP CHALLENGE COIN. The Official Membership Challenge Coin shall be issued to all student and alumni members in good standing.

Section 8.  OFFICIAL COLORS.  The official colors of this Fraternity shall be Chrome Yellow (PMS 123), Red (PMS 485), and Black.



Trademark & Licensing Policy

​Section 1.  The Fraternity’s insignias shall be protected by federal trademark registration.  The Fraternity’s insignias, including, but not limited to, the design or representation of the Official Crest, Official AHP Wings, Official Patch, Service and Scholarship Key, Senior Membership Key, Official Badge,  the Greek letters “Alpha Eta Rho” and the words "Alpha Eta Rho," shall not be manufactured, created, used or offered by sale by any person, company or firm except as allowed for herein or as specifically authorized in writing by the National Board of Directors, which power may be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer shall maintain a list of authorized persons, companies, and firms.

Section 2.  Anyone wishing to acquire merchandise bearing any insignias of the Fraternity shall obtain those items only from manufacturers and vendors authorized and licensed to produce, market or sell official Alpha Eta Rho merchandise.  Fraternity chapters may, from time to time, utilize local commercial firms for their own chapter needs so long as such merchandise is in keeping with the mission and ideals of the Fraternity, is in suitable taste, and is in compliance with applicable laws and policies.

Section 3.  Fraternity chapters may use the Greek letters “Alpha Eta Rho” and the words “Alpha Eta Rho” for their own chapter needs such as rushing, philanthropic, and community service activities without prior approval so long as such use is in keeping with the mission and ideals of the Fraternity, is in suitable taste and is in compliance with applicable laws and policies.  No chapter or member shall utilize or cause to be produced any text or design which casts the Fraternity in a negative light or is otherwise contrary to the ideals of the Fraternity.  This includes but is not limited to, any text or design that attempts to glorify or promote alcohol or controlled/illegal substance use or is considered to be demeaning or untoward to other person(s).

Section 4.  Any use or representation of the Fraternity’s insignias, including, but not limited to, the Official Crest, Official AHP Wings, Official Patch, Service and Scholarship Key, Senior Membership Key, Official Badge,  the Greek letters “Alpha Eta Rho” and the words "Alpha Eta Rho," or any other intellectual property of the Fraternity for use in connection with internet web sites and social media must be in keeping with the mission and ideals of the Fraternity, in suitable taste and in compliance with applicable laws and policies.  The Fraternity reserves the right to require the removal of any content, information, web page, website, or social media that is determined by the Chief Executive Officer or National Board of Directors to cast the Fraternity in a negative light or to be contrary to the mission and ideals of the Fraternity.  This includes, but is not limited to, any materials deemed to glorify or promote alcohol or controlled/illegal substance use, or any materials considered to be demeaning or untoward to other person(s). The Chief Executive Officer and National Board of Directors shall have full moderator rights on any of the aforementioned media.



Amendments to the Bylaws

Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended or suspended in whole or in part by the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those active Undergraduate Chapters, in good standing, and voting at the annual meeting. The vote shall be cast in person or by official proxy and delivered to the Chief Executive Officer by mail, postmarked no later than 10 days prior to the date of notice of the annual meeting. Each Undergraduate Chapter will have one vote. Proposed amendments passed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those Undergraduate Chapters voting shall be forwarded to the Board of Directors for approval. If the Board of Directors concurs by a majority vote the amendment shall be enacted.

Section 2.  As provided in the Missouri Corporation Code, these Bylaws may also be amended by the Board of Directors, subject to ratification of two-thirds of the voting Undergraduate Chapters.

Section 3.  Any active member of an Alpha Eta Rho chapter in good standing or the Board of Directors may make a proposed Bylaw change. Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting. Notification of proposed Bylaw changes will be made via the National Alpha Eta Rho website thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting.

​Section 4.  The Board of Directors by a (2/3) majority vote retains the right to make appropriate grammatical or administrative changes to the Bylaws which do not alter the Bylaws' intent, meaning, or enforcement in any way.



Annulment of Conflicting Laws

Section 1. All Bylaws or parts of Bylaws heretofore in effect in this Fraternity in conflict herewith, are hereby annulled and repealed.

The Bylaws of Alpha Eta Rho were reviewed, revised, and approved by the Membership in accordance with the Organization Bylaws on February 25th, 2025 at the Alpha Eta Rho Annual Meeting, held at The Ohio State University, Columbus OH.